To achieve this, the pumping phase is monitored with the pumping system. The output is sensed at the time of printing. The evolution of the mixture once it has been placed in the final product and the output phase of the material that has already been mixed are also monitored. The sensors measure aspects such as moisture, temperature, flow rate and pressure. They collect a set of data that is compared with other standard tests, which allows the definition of properties of the mixture: workability, pumping capacity, construction ability and estimation of opening time, among others.
The CATMech group is in charge of the operation of the printing machine, the sensors, the contrast tests and the data analysis. The tests are carried out at the FactoryLab facilities of the School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT).
As a result, this monitoring will optimise the manufacturing process and control production to obtain higher quality parts and reduce time and material losses.
In addition to CATMech of the UPC, the project, which has a budget of 73,927.05 euros, involves VIAS and Construcciones. ADRIAN started in July 2021 and will end in July 2024. It has received funding from ACCIÓ, the Agency for Business Competitiveness.