An innovative smart system for integrated management of infestation through photonics

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The Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6 UPC), in collaboration with the company Comercial Química Massó S.A, has developed a smart system for geolocalized monitoring of the evolution of infestations that affect fruit and vegetable production, to improve integrated control. The system is based on photonic tools and automated data processing.


The project is designed to respond to the need for flexible tools that gather population data on infestations around the territory and provide clear information in real-time for the farmer about the actions that should be carried out to control them and minimise their impact.

This new system will improve decision-making, lead to the implementation of more environmentally friendly strategies and optimise the required dosage of pesticides, as well as the time and place of their application, and boost the use of alternative non-chemical products (biological and biotechnological controls), as established in the new European Union regulations.

The project has the support of ACCIÓ through a grant from the INNOTEC programme, and it is planned to be completed in 2021.

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