Acceleration of projects in the area of photonics for companies

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The Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6 UPC) is participating as a partner in the European project ACTPHAST4.0 (ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator). ACTPHAST4.0 is a platform that supports and accelerates European companies’ innovation capacity by providing direct access to expertise, the state-of-the-art and the infrastructure of leading European technology centres (called ACTPHAST4.0 partners), to help companies to exploit the commercial potential of applied photonics.

ACTPHAST4.0 operates as an open call to all European companies (large and small, although it is particularly focused on SMEs), to support innovation processes that impact a wide range of industrial sectors. The main areas of application are, among others, advanced production (industry 4.0), the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, energy and the environment, life sciences and health, security, metrology and sensors, and visualization and displays.

How can companies access it?

Experts and technology partners available on ACTPHAST4.0 can be accessed through submission of proposals for innovative projects to be undertaken in relatively short periods (between 6 and 9 months). 

ACTPHAST4.0 contributes to reducing the risk of innovative projects, as it has its own funding instrument. Financial support is based on funding the tasks that the ACTPHAST4.0 partners undertake for a company. Projects are organized in two phases: a first phase of viability studies or conceptual design that could be up to €30000 subsidized at 100%, and a second phase in which the subsidy is 75%. When large-scale production starts, the subsidy is 50% for all the project costs. In the case of the UPC, the relationship between the company and the ACTPHAST4.0 partner is defined through a standard R&D contract.

Additionally, the technological support provided by ACTPHAST4.0 is complemented with experts in the area of business and finances to help ensure that innovation activities have a strong market orientation.

More information:

Jordi Martín


Phone: 93 405 46 90