The Artificial Intelligence Research Alliance (AIRA) was presented on 23 November at an event at the Casa de la Convalescència of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The event was attended by members of the Catalan research ecosystem in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
AIRA’s mission is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Catalan AI research ecosystem by boosting the knowledge industry and projecting Catalonia as a major hub, a leader in southern Europe, in research in this field. Its main objectives are to bring together all the leading research capacity of the Catalan ecosystem, promote high-impact research, attract and retain talent, and promote specialisation in the field of AI.
The alliance is one of the four pillars of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Catalonia (Catalonia.AI), which establishes the priorities and lines of action to make Catalonia a hub of innovation, leadership and attraction of talent and companies in the field of artificial intelligence. Within this strategy, AIRA is part of the research and innovation axis: it is a structure to promote synergies and collaborations between groups, institutes, universities and research centres specialised in AI, to promote joint activity at national and international level, and to establish a shared vision of priority objectives in this field in Catalonia.
An alliance open to all groups and research centres in the country
The AIRA initiative has been established as a cooperative workspace where institutes, research centres and AI infrastructures in Catalonia can develop a coordinated strategy to foster scientific research, manage talent and accelerate the development of AI-based solutions in Catalonia.
The alliance is driven by the Government of Catalonia and initially formed by the Computer Vision Centre (CVC), coordinator of the initiative; the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI-UPC); the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - National Supercomputing Centre (BSC-CNS); the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (IRI-CSIC-UPC), and the Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence (IIIA-CSIC). However, it is open to any institution that is researching artificial intelligence and achieving high levels of excellence in this field.