Researcher Carme Torras, a mathematician who is an expert in artificial intelligence and robotics at the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (IRI-CSIC-UPC), has won an award in the category “Academic/Researcher” of DonaTIC 2020.
The DonaTIC awards are promoted by the Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration within the DonaTIC Plan, with the collaboration of the Women, Business and Economy Observatory of Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
The awards have the two objectives of recognising and disseminating the role and talent of women in the technology area and providing examples for girls and young women to encourage them to enter STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines and take on positions of leadership in the sector.
Eight women from the business, professional and academic areas stood out among the 85 entries submitted in the eight categories of this sixth edition of the awards. The DonaTIC awards have become consolidated as a benchmark in the recognition and dissemination of the role and talent of women in the technology area.
The event was held on 13 October, Ada Lovelace Day (Lovelace was the first female programmer in history) at the Palau de Pedralbes of Barcelona. Participants included Clara Prats, from the research group Computational Biology and Complex Systems (BIOCOM-SC), and Núria Salan, scientist, technologist and president of the Catalan Technology Society (SCT).
Carme Torras holds a PhD in Computational Science and is a researcher at the IRI-CSIC-UPC. She is a member of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council created by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and is vice-president of the Ethics Committee of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She had devoted her scientific career to robotics and artificial intelligence. She has made vital contributions to a new style of engineering based on knowledge of biology and psychology and on the development of algorithms for perception, planning and control so that robots can better meet human needs. She is a pioneer in the application of groups theory to kinematics problems and leader of the research group in Perception and Manipulation of the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics of Barcelona. Her contributions have had international relevance as they combine mathematics, physics and the biological view in engineering. She has led numerous international projects and published hundreds of articles. She leads a research group on assistive and collaborative robotics, whose main project is the ERC Advanced Grant Clothilde on robotic manipulation of clothes. She has been constantly committed to promoting STEM disciplines among young women and girls.
Currently, Carme Torras has been nominated for the Women Evolution Leadership Awards 2020, which increase the visibility of female talent and recognise leadership that is committed to integrating equality into companies, and the promotion of younger women and girls in dynamics of personal and professional empowerment.