Optical remote node device and support equipment for constructing and extending fibre optic access networks

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The Wireless Networks Group (WNG) has worked on a device that carries out the functions of a communication node in passive fibre optic access networks. This node must be situated at a remote point in the network, without the assistance of an electricity supply, in an environment that is not controlled for temperature or humidity and with no other active elements, to meet the requirement that these access networks are passive to considerably reduce the costs of their installation and use. In this way, new sections can be incorporated into a previously installed access network, to provide a means of growth that can provide a service for new users in situations in which it would not be possible or would be very expensive to install a new access network for them.

The project was led by IHP GMBH Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics/Leibniz-Institut für Innovative Mikroelektronik and involved the participation of over 16 other European members. It had a budget of 100,625 euros and lasted four years (2017–2020).

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