
October 30, 2023

The UPC launches Connexia, a new 360º program to accelerate the transfer of technology to businesses

On October 27, the UPC presented the Connexia UPC program, aimed at businesses, which offers tailored collaboration to connect the technological capabilities of the University with the specific and strategic needs of the productive sector.
September 18, 2023

Success in the collaboration and knowledge exchange at the first INDUSAC project’s Innovative Workshop

On September 15th, the INDUSAC project, in which the UPC's Technology Center (CIT UPC) participates as a partner, celebrated a significant milestone, the first open-environment test of its pioneering methodology at a workshop.
August 4, 2023

Constitution of the new board of INTEXTER at the UPC

In May, the new board was formed of the Terrassa Institute of Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation (INTEXTER) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC). The board is comprised of members of the social and industrial environment of the Institute. Since 2008, it has participated in defining the criteria and priorities of the INTEXTER strategy.
July 7, 2023

UPC will be at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023

Once again, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), through the CIT UPC Technology Center (CIT UPC), will participate in the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC 23). This world congress on cities and smart urban solutions is organised by the Fira de Barcelona from 7 to 9 November.
June 12, 2023

UPC and Endesa work together to adapt the electrical network to transformation in the energy sector

UPC and Endesa have signed the renewal of the Endesa Red Chair in Energy Innovation and Sustainability. This continues the collaboration between them that has been in place for over 20 years. The aim of the Chair is to promote research and innovation projects to respond to challenges in the energy sector.
June 2, 2023

The UPC, present in Equiplast

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), through the UPC Technology Center (CIT UPC), will participate in the 2023 edition of Equiplast, the International Plastics and Rubber Event. The event takes place from 30 May to 2 June at the Gran Via venue of the Fira de Barcelona. The UPC will be on the stand of the Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia (MAV).
May 22, 2023

CIT UPC makes UPC research capabilities available for innovation in companies at meetechSpain 2023

22/05/2023Project Headerrightno-repeat;left top;;auto20px CIT UPC participated in the 2023 edition of meetechSpain, organised by the Spanish Federation of Technology Centres (Fedit) and held on 18 and […]
May 12, 2023

UPC presents its technological innovation potential to fifty companies

The UPC organised a meeting with fifty companies at the ‘UPC Company Day 2023 Mobility 360’. In this session, held at the FPCAT-UPC Sustainable Mobility Campus, in Martorell, the university presented its potential for technological innovation and some successful cases stemming from collaboration with the business sector.
May 3, 2023

New call of the Ministry of Science and Innovation for Cervera R&D transfer projects

Business research and development projects are funded specifically for the creation or significant improvement of a production process, product or service. This programme is part of the continuous call for applications of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)