Dynamic virtual power plants to improve the flexibility of the electrical system

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The CITCEA centre of the UPC has begun to participate in POSYTYF, a European project that aims to develop solutions for network operators that enable the integration of more renewable energy sources (RES) into the electricity grid. The project will consider future scenarios with 100% renewable generation and will analyse how renewable power stations should be designed and controlled to ensure the reliability and stability of the electricity grid.

The aim of POSYTYF (powering system flexibility in the future through RES) is to develop new knowledge, models and tools to increase the flexibility of the electricity system through what are known as dynamic virtual power plants (DVPP). The DVPP concept adds dynamic aspects, which will be necessary in future electricity systems, to the classic virtual power plants (VPP) that have been worked on in numerous projects in recent years.

POSYTYF will propose solutions and methods to support the stability of the grid that will be implemented immediately in the current electricity system, considering the regulatory context. In addition, future networks will be investigated with massive levels of RES and recommendations will be formulated on the technical and regulatory developments that are required to make these high-penetration renewable generation networks possible.


CITCEA UPC will participate in the project by defining the various systems that will be studied and analysing the grid requirements (grid codes) that will be necessary in future situations with high penetration of renewables and power electronics and developing simulation and co-simulation models of different situations.

POSYTYF is comprised of 11 partners from four EU countries, and is coordinated by the École Centrale de Nantes, and 9 further partners: Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zürich, the Universidad Pontificia, the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, Centro de Investigaciones Energética Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Iberdrola Generación España, Enedis, Bachmann Electronic, and Dowel Management.

The project will take three years and is supported by the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It has been allocated a budget of 4.7 million euros.



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